\ About \ DeMANS in a nutshell

DeMANS in a nutshell

DeMANS seeks to produce world-class innovation in the design and additive manufacture (AM) of parts, components and devices using sustainable (bio)polymer materials through the research expertise of a global network of leading academic and industrial organisations.

There is an urgent need to reduce reliance on fossil fuel derived plastics. The vast majority of these polymers cannot be recycled due to additives within them; developing more sustainable material approaches is an imperative.

This international and intersectoral project has the ambitious goal of world-class innovation in the design and additive manufacture (AM) of parts, components and devices using sustainable (bio)polymer materials. DeMANS will explore replacing traditional synthetic plastics with biomaterials in consumer products, simultaneously reducing our reliance on fossil fuels and developing new innovations and markets for bio-based products, contributing to the circular economy objectives of the European Green Deal.

In line with the principle of 'transforming knowledge into innovation', DeMANS will define the key challenges that have to be met to move from laboratory to manufacturing by demonstrating the feasibility of the approach in the area of computer peripherals. DeMANS brings together complementary world-leading expertise from a network of seven academic and industrial organisations from three European and two Southern Hemisphere countries.

The technical approach includes

  • identifying suitable biopolymers with properties matching industry standards
  • identifying printing methods
  • fabricating demonstrators and prototypes

The information will be synthesised to define a technological roadmap for sustainable approaches in additive manufacturing. Knowledge sharing will be undertaken through a series of secondments, complemented by network-wide training events. DeMANS will enhance the quality of research and innovation in Europe, leading to increased competitiveness and growth. DeMANS will develop skills, offer exposure to new research environments, and widen the career perspectives of the staff involved.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 101007584.

Views expressed on this website reflect only the author's views and neither the Research Executive Agency nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information on this website.

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  • The DeMANS Project
    AMBER Centre
    Naughton Institute
    Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin
    Dublin 2
  • demans@tcd.ie
  • +353 1 896 4406
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